<< U R S U L A   E N D L I C H E R | ursenal.net

INPUT FIELDS FOREVER is a new series-in-progress of HTML based vignettes solely comprised of the tag category <input>.

INPUT FIELDS FOREVER depict images of every day objects found in abundance online, such as flowers or snowy landscapes, but which have been "painted over" by misused HTML code. Usually functioning as Web-based executors of control and collectors of personal information of any degree, the input fields appearing in INPUT FIELDS FOREVER show an innocent and forgiving nature. Here, input fields become visual containers for an ever-changing short narrative, templates for momentary poetry or mere decoration, letting the user go and play through the page without fear of repercussion.

Input fields are overlapping and over-layering what's underneath, replacing the objects shown in the pictures such as flower petals or footsteps. Inviting one to write a few words onto a leaf or into a shoe imprint in the snow, the input fields become carriers of text messages, be they poetic, gibberish, or just plain visual. Though actual text input is possible - and encouraged in order to change the layout of the picture - and the "submit" or other options, if available, might be clicked, no information is actually saved, sent and stored on a server.

In this piece both layers - the representation of objects or landscapes, as well as that of the input fields - become metaphors for one another, each pointing to something ephemeral. Snow melts, leaves wither - and no digital footprint is left behind.

FLOWER >> | SNOW >> | CLOUDS >> | Coming up next: TEETH...
INPUT FIELDS FOREVER is a new series of HTML5 based vignettes comprised of HTML tags of the category <input>.

INPUT FIELDS FOREVER is a new series of HTML5 based vignettes comprised of HTML tags of the category <input>.

INPUT FIELDS FOREVER is a new series of HTML5 based vignettes comprised of HTML tags of the category <input>.